At the young age of 15, I began drinking coffee. I believe I have
drank at least one cup of coffee every day since I've started,
sometimes multiple servings per day if I feel I really need the boost.
These weren't your regular cups of coffee either, my fix was a double
long black and often, a triple. These servings were above the daily
recommended intake of caffeine. Caffeine is highly addictive and can
cause many problems when abused. Needless to say, I developed an
addiction to caffeine. I needed to stop drinking so much coffee and
needed to switch to a healthier alternative. That's when I found green
tea and the health benefits related to drinking it. I still drink
coffee, maybe once a week, but green tea has been my fix and this is
- Antioxidant Properties: Green tea contains Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is one of the most powerful antioxidants found. It is 20 times stronger than Vitamin E.
- Anti-Cancer Properties: green tea has the ability to reduce risk of lung cancer and skin cancer if you consume at least 1 cup per day. Studies have found that those who drank it daily were five times less likely to develop lung cancer. EGCG is the property in the tea that can block tumor growths, reduces cell damage and blocks cell mutation growth.
- An Increase in Metabolism: Excellent for weight loss, tea can increase a persons metabolic rate. It increases the rate of fat oxidation and can increase how much energy the body can spend, which reduces fat.
- Immune System Boost: Tea drinkers have a a 5 times higher production of anti-bacterial proteins compared to coffee drinkers. This means that tea drinkers have stronger immunity levels to diseases.
- Increased Mental Alertness: Whilst coffee increases alertness via caffeine, it isn't as good as the mental alertness that green tea can provide. It increases mental alertness, but also provides a calmer state of mind.
- Bad Breath and Stained Teeth: Coffee is notorious for staining teeth and giving drinkers bad breath throughout the day. Green tea on the other hand, can actually prevent bacteria growth in the mouth. It is bacteria in the mouth that causes bad breath.
- Anti-depressent: A research in Japan concluded that tea drinkers were less likely to have symptoms of depression compared to those that did not drink green tea.
Daniel is an ex-coffee drinker, now health freak. He has written
articles on the internet for 2 years now. When not writing articles, he
works on his new websites: 9 Angle Grinder - All about 9 inch angle grinders.
RV Trailer Tires - information for RV tailer enthusiasts.
RV Trailer Tires - information for RV tailer enthusiasts.
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