
Thursday 30 April 2015

Where Do You Find a Reputable Annuity Payment Buyer?

Circumstances change; if you find yourself with an annuity that you no longer need, look to an annuity payment buyer for help. With his assistance, you won't have to wait until the end of your contract to receive your money.
Often, people buy annuity investments to help them in the future, as part of their retirement plan or to help their kids pay for college. They might also have one as part of a structured settlement set up as a resolution to an injury case. There are many different types of annuities but they all are similar in the way that they work.
An annuity is set up through an insurance agency. They use your money to buy safe investment instruments like bonds or mutual funds. Your money grows faster because an annuity isn't taxed until you start getting it back. Somewhere out in the future (at an agreed upon time) you start receiving an income from this annuity. Depending on the type of that was purchased, you will continue to receive this income until there are no longer funds in the account or until you die.
But, sometimes things change; you decide that you no longer need the annuity. Maybe your grandfather bought it for you because he wanted you to go college. But, college really isn't in your future; you want to tour Europe instead. Or, maybe after being retired for a month, you decide retirement isn't for you. Since you will be working, you no longer need the guaranteed payment from the annuity. A medical or family emergency may require immediate cash. You can not withdraw money from an annuity without serious penalty but you can sell all or part of it to an annuity payment buyer.
How do you find a buyer of annuity payment? There are plenty of resources online. You will find what you are looking for under the titles: buyer annuity payments or sell my annuities, and other related terms. Visit the sites that come up and gather all the information that you can. The company that you choose will purchase your annuity at a discounted rate. This is because the cash value of the annuity hasn't been realized yet. So, you want to be sure that get the best offer. Even at a discounted rate the lump sum payment that you receive can be worth more today then it would be at term. This is especially true if you are using it to reinvest in a higher yielding, financial instrument.
There are some things that are important to consider before selecting the company who will become your annuity payment buyer. Annuities are complex financial instruments; you want a buyer annuity payments company that has been in business a long time. One who understands the ins and outs of the tax questions that arise when an annuity is sold. You want to find a company skilled in customer service: one that takes the time to explain to you what to expect and is willing to answer all of your questions. After you have chosen the right company and have signed all the paperwork, you can expect to receive your lump sum cash payment in about 2-3 weeks.
If you have an annuity but you need cash, find a good annuity payment buyer today. You'll be glad you did!
Jamie has been working in the finance industry for many years and is a contributing editor to Sell Notes. Find a buyer annuity payments and more information on cash flow paper on our site.

Sell Annuity Payments - Get Cash For Annuity Payment

What are Annuities?
An annuity is an investment product that can be tax deferred and is sold by insurance companies. For people wanting a secure future an annuity is a very good choice as an investment. The more common retirement plans such as the 401(k) and Roth IRA and Roth 401(k) while most widely used do in fact have some limitations with regard to an income ceiling, limitations on contributions and on withdrawals.
In comparison an annuity does not limit the amount of contributions you are able invest. There is not an income limitations nor is there compulsory withdrawals. An annuity is preferable therefore for someone who although contributing to their usual retirement plan are still looking for a regular periodic payment whether fixed or variable. A deferred annuity, which gives a constant flow of payments during retirement has proven to be the most desirable annuity.
Why Sell Annuity Payments?
The annuities you can sell may have been purchased by you or inherited from a family member. You may want some lump sum cash from a structured settlement from a personal injury case or other lawsuit such as medical malpractice. The reason for wanting to sell your annuity may be nothing more than the need for some immediate cash. Maybe you want to buy a new house, start a business or pay for the education of your children. Because of the deferral of taxes on annuities one might sell some or all of their annuities to avoid being placed in a higher tax bracket upon retirement. The lump sum cash for annuity payment option needs to be considered carefully.
How beneficial are annuities
An annuity should really be held for many years to get the most out of this type of investment. Buying an annuity a couple of years before retirement is not such a good investment and the benefits do not really outweigh the costs. Therefore one might consider selling their annuity and invest in products that produce a higher yield or return on their investment. People holding variable annuities may be wiser spending time managing investments in securities to gain a better return on their investment. The reason for this is that variable annuities do not guarantee a fixed stream of payment like fixed annuities do. The payments you'll get from this type of investment will be based on your ability to assemble a good portfolio of securities.
So How do you sell your annuity?
Well first of all establish the value of the annuity. Figure out the discounted value of the annuity's future cash flow in order to determine it's current value. This ought to be the price that you get when you sell your annuity. If the market price of your annuity is less than it's current value then you should not sell the annuity. Instead hold on to it until the market value is at a point where selling makes financial sense.
Decide whether to sell all or part of your annuity. A nice benefit that a secondary market for annuities has to offer is the opportunity to sell a part of your annuity payment and hold on to the remainder. As an example you could sell 1/3rd of your regular monthly annuity payment for certain number of years and get a lump sum amount while still getting your other 2/3rds every month.
Cash for annuity payment, finding the buyer
An established structured settlement company can figure out the value of your annuity. They will also lead you through the steps and documents needed to proceed to sell your annuity payments. These documents will include the annuity policy itself, copies of the annuity checks you have received, tax returns and various other documents. While there is obviously a fee for this service it will speed the process up and help you avoid mistakes that could cost you money.
If you find you cannot sell your annuity for the price you want, think about swapping your annuity payments for a more agreeable annuity. As an example you could swap your variable annuity payments for fixed payments using an annuity swap. It might also be possible for you to use your annuity as collateral for a loan if you are in need of some cash but is can't sell annuity payments for a decent price.
For more information regarding structured settlements and annuities visit

Selling Insurance One Coffee at a Time (

Selling insurance is difficult, and it hardly matters what type of insurance you're selling. Some insurance of course is required when you borrow money, as the bank wants to insure their property until you pay for it, at which point you own it, and then that is your business if you buy insurance or not.
Image result for coffee Annuity Payment pixFor instance if you buy a new car, the lender whether it be Toyota Motor Acceptance Corporation of America, Chrysler Acceptance Corporation, GMAC, or any of the others they will wish to make sure that you have comprehensive coverage. And if you don't buy coverage of this type they will buy it for you and tack it on your payments, and if you don't pay they will repossess your car.
If you get a mortgage for your home you will have to have homeowners insurance, because if something happens to that house, let's say there is a fire, an earthquake, or something else the bank wishes to be protected, in case you walk away. And it does happen, it has happened, and I'm certain it will happen in the future. If you do not buy homeowners insurance, the bank will buy it for you and tack it onto your payment.
Those types of insurance are rather easy to sell, but then there are other types of insurance which are not mandatory and people even though they are risk adverse, also like to hold onto their money, and not let loose of it. One of the hardest types of insurance to sell would be life insurance of course, because number one; no one wants to die or even talk about it. And, no one wants to be worth more dead than they are alive, there is just too much incentive to knock them off, and they know this.
Still others love their family so much, that if they are the breadwinner they want to make sure their family will be provided for. Not long ago, I was talking to an insurance agent who sold health, life, annuities, and commercial insurance. This guy was a walking, talking, insurance salesman from the get-go. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, several service clubs in town, and on the Board of Directors of a couple of other nonprofits.
He told me that his best technique for selling insurance was to buy someone a cup of coffee at Starbucks and talk over what their life was about, the types of assets they had, their income, and try to figure out solutions which made the most sense for them, he called himself a problem solver, that's how he approached it.
Image result for coffee Annuity Payment pixBasically he was selling insurance one coffee at a time. After he told me this, I told him that I didn't need any insurance and I wasn't going to die. He just laughed at me and just then someone walked up and shook his hand, and sat down, it was a potential customer. Indeed, I sat there and listened to his selling techniques. Very interesting, and so I thought I would share this with you.
Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 23,333 articles by May 26, 2011 is difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off..

Wednesday 29 April 2015

The Link Between Coffee and Hypertension - What is the Truth With Your High Blood Pressure?

Image result for Coffee and Hypertension pixThe link between coffee and sudden rise in blood pressure is very controversial. In fact, many researches related to hypertension have been conducted to answer this mystery. This article will explain the truth on the true effect of coffee to hypertensive drinkers and whether it is a direct cause of high blood pressure.
Coffee has different effects to different people, with respect to blood pressure. It is a known truth caffeine increases blood pressure. But tolerance to coffee by regular drinkers makes the effect on blood pressure too insignificant.
Image result for Coffee and Hypertension pixBut for the non-regular drinkers of coffee, this has a different picture. The caffeine in the drink causes a sudden increase in blood pressure. Thus it is not recommended to hypertensive individuals who are not avid coffee drinkers. The risks are usually higher.
The American Journal of Epidemiology (1999) reported a research that reveals that caffeine consumption is not directly related to heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases. This was observed even for individuals drinking coffee of up to six cups every day. But the sudden rise of blood pressure to certain individuals due to caffeine and its long-term effect on health was not researched yet.
Keep your caffeine intake in moderation. Drink only 2 cups of coffee a day to be on the safe side. This is equivalent to 200 milligrams of caffeine a day. Drinking decaf can also be a good option.
In the end, the effect of coffee is really variable and dependent on your situation. Ask your doctor about this and feel the effects of caffeine after drinking a cup. Your body will guide you what is best for you in this concern. As a solid advice, I always recommend to reduce intake of coffee to only two cups daily. Never drink caffeinated drink at least two hours before bed time too.
Paul DE Vizard has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now. Not only does this author specialize in hypertension, diet, fitness and weight loss, you can also check out his latest website [] which reviews and lists Information on all types of Equipment like the popular Propane Wall Heaters [].

Coffee and Your Health - Can Coffee Help Me Lose Weight?

There are many researches about the connection between coffee and diabetes and how does the drinking of a few cups affect the people with that condition.
Image result for Coffee and Diabetes pixMany of us know people who have diabetes or even have close relatives with that condition. This is a chronic condition related to the metabolism of the body, which is known to have high levels of blood sugar. This is practically a lifetime condition, which damages the blood vessels and the nervous system in the human body. The human metabolism presents degradation of substances that produce energy for our body to carry out its functions.
People with diabetes do not have enough of the so-called "insulin" hormone produced in their bodies and their systems cannot handle the levels of glucose. So this is not very pleasant condition when these people need to check constantly their health, to take insulin every day and stay careful for everything they eat. But how can we protect ourselves before becoming sick in the first place? Are there any preventive measures? Actually yes! And the key is somewhere in the connection between coffee and diabetes.
Many researchers are already published in different forms in the media. Brazilian, Australian, Chinese, American and many other scientists have made investigations and publications on that topic. The conclusions of them all are similar - coffee and diabetes both are well-connected in some ways. Here is what they have found: coffee prevents diabetes. Yes, that's right!
Image result for Coffee and Diabetes pixI was very surprised to find out that this habit of mine that's considered as harmful for my health could actually be helpful for me in some other ways. Can you believe that? Actually, this is how nature works - when taking away one thing, then giving something else. I have learned that during my entire life so far.
So, coffee might be harmful to your blood pressure, but it prevents you from getting diabetes, particularly the so-called "diabetes type II". The scientists have found that the ratio is proportional: the more coffee you consume, the more protected you are and the chances of getting the condition are lower. There are specific antioxidants in the energy drink that prevents accumulation of proteins, which on the other hand are found involved in getting diabetes. From all the ingredients the caffeine is less efficient. That is why decaffeinated coffee is also helpful. That entire discovery can help scientists in finding new medicines to help humanity in the great fight against diabetes and its consequences.
Image result for Coffee and Diabetes pixStill, we need to remember that too good is not always good. As we mentioned before, too much coffee can influence our blood pressure and cause even more damages. We need to stay extra careful. But the conclusion is simple: drink coffee and diabetes will probably never reach you. I feel so much relieved now! My favorite drink was never actually as harmful as the doctors have always said everywhere. I will drink it even with more pleasure in the morning from now on! What about you? Do you like the smell of a fresh cup of coffee in the morning?

Coffee and Your Health - Can Coffee Help Me Lose Weight?

With the obsession over drinking coffee in America, it's nearly impossible for many people to give it up in the daily routine. But did you know that your intake of coffee and your health have a connection? Unfortunately, that connection isn't always a good one. Here are some things you should know about drinking coffee if you are concerned about your health.
Coffee and Losing Weight
Losing weight is more difficult when you drink coffee regularly. For one thing, it negatively impacts your adrenal glands. These are the glands that control your stress hormones. Because coffee is full of caffeine, it is constantly affecting your adrenal glands which cause them to become desensitized and exhausted.
Image result for Coffee and Losing Weight pixIn addition to that, coffee affects your blood sugar. Because of its effect on your adrenal glands, the caffeine causes these glands to release sugar into your bloodstream. This is for the purpose of being used as fuel for your muscles. But after a couple hours, your blood sugar levels out and you feel tired again. This leads to drinking more coffee, so it becomes a vicious cycle.
Coffee also has a psychological effect on you. The caffeinated drink is connected to various social rituals that involve eating. Going out to breakfast, having dessert, and getting fast food are eating habits that generally involve a psychological connection to coffee. How many people ask for water when ordering a donut at their local donut shop?
Masking Food Effects
Another reason that coffee isn't ideal for losing weight is because it gives you a false sense of stimulation. This means that you don't know which foods you are eating are actually making your feel energetic and lively, or fatigued and depressed, because the coffee is helping you be alert. As a result, you never explore the effects that the foods you are eating have on your body and your health.
Osteoporosis Development
People who routinely drink three or more cups of coffee a day can suffer from osteoporosis at an earlier age. Coffee decreases the mineral bone density in the body which leads to weaker bones and other problems as you grow older. Coffee erodes the calcium in your bones, and it is then eliminated from your body through urination.
Image result for Coffee and Losing Weight pixExploring the negative effects of coffee and your health may be heartbreaking. It may mean cutting down on your daily trips to your favorite coffee shop or even eliminating the caffeinated drink from your diet all together. Drinking it in moderation, however, will allow you to enjoy the occasional cup without worrying about major side effects on your health.
Christine Mattice is the Managing Editor at All Health Answers, a website that wants to help you have vibrant health and happiness. For more quality health tips and information, please visit

Health Benefits Of Coffee And Cancer Risk

Image result for Health Benefits Of Coffee And Cancer Risk pixMore good news on the health benefits of coffee. A new study finds that women who drank 4 of more cups of caffeinated coffee a day had a 30% lower chance of endometrial cancer... yet experts warn that lifestyle factors are sure to play a part too.
If you're a decaf drinker, having two or more mugs of decaf coffee each day appears to reduce your cancer risk by 22%. Like other work, this research suggests that women drinking either regular or decaf coffee have a lower risk for endometrial cancer.
This is not to say that non-coffee drinkers should take up coffee drinking... the work finds a link, and not a cause and effect.
The researchers evaluated over 67,000 women who were enrolled in the well-known Nurses' Health Study in an attempt to identify a relationship between coffee and the chance of endometrial cancer. Over the 26-year period of follow up, 672 women were diagnosed with endometrial cancer.
There was a greater protective effect from coffee drinking for obese women, something that's been noticed in other studies. Obesity has long been identified as a risk factor for this type of cancer. The relationship between coffee drinking and a lower risk of cancer was also strongest for ex (or current) smokers, those past menopause and those not taking hormone therapy.
Image result for Coffee And Cancer Risk pixCoffee does appear to increase insulin resistance, and has also been shown to raise estrogen levels. High levels of estrogen and insulin have been linked to an increased risk of endometrial cancer according to researchers. Coffee, besides the caffeine, is full of other compounds that might improve the action of insulin in the body.
Since the research collected no information on how the coffee was consumed - black or with cream and sugar - we don't know what combination might be most effective. Experts not involved in the research agree that women who are already drinking coffee might be bringing down their risk of this form of cancer.
According to American Cancer Society numbers, endometrial cancer will strike an estimated 46,500 women, bringing over 8,100 deaths in 2011 alone. The cancer is of the womb itself, in the uterus lining, a small, hollow, pear shaped organ where a child develops. This form of cancer can often be caught early because it typically produces abnormal vaginal bleeding - prompting a woman to visit her doctor.
Doctors still don't know what causes endometrial cancer, though they know that some sort of mutation takes place in the endometrium, the womb lining, turning normal, healthy cells into dangerous ones. Eventually the abnormal cells combine to form a mass and can separate from the initial site to travel to other places in the body.
If you're worried about your own risks of endometrial cancer, be sure that you don't just rely on the health benefits of coffee. You should aim to maintain a healthy weight, and be as active as possible, especially in the years after menopause. Both these lifestyle choices will address one of the major risk factors for endometrial cancer - carrying too much weight. By eating a diet that's low in saturated fats, with lots of fruits and veggies you'll bring down the risk of this, and perhaps other dangerous forms of cancer.
Image result for Coffee And Cancer Risk pixFREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover more the health benefits of coffee.

The Best Coffees in the World

Image result for The Best Coffees in the World pixWhen considering the best coffees in the world, I went to the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) for research. They are the organization that sets the quality standards for specialty coffee, which the public calls "gourmet" coffee. All specialty coffees use arabica beans. The other category of is the robusta bean, which is of inferior taste quality to arabica. Within these categories, there are several varieties of bean. Arabica beans are grown at a higher altitude than robusta.
Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world and is graded in a similar manner as wine. This event is called a "cupping" and has a set of strict standards. Winning a cupping is very prestigious and has a direct effect on the prices a coffee grower can get for his crop.
History of these "cupping" winners has shown that three areas of the world produce the most winners. Interestingly, these regions have a very similar latitude when looking at the world map. The three regions are Ethiopia, Sumatra and Panama.

Ethiopian/Kenyan Coffee (Africa)
Image result for Ethiopian/Kenyan Coffee pixEthiopian coffee is aromatic, highly flavorful, and also known to be some of the best coffees in the world. It is also the origin of all coffee. The Ethiopian people have a legend that says that a goat herder discovered Ethiopian coffee around 850 AD. This legend claims that the goat herder noticed that his sheep were very excited and nearly dancing after eating red berries from a tree. The legend of the founder goes on to say that the herder sampled the red berries for himself and took some of the berries home to his wife who insisted that he take them to the monks. The monks supposedly threw the berries into a fire and noticed the delicious smell that the berries produced. The monks are said to have removed the berries from the fire and boiled the berries in water to create the beverage that we now know as Ethiopian coffee.
Whether this legend is true, or in fact just a legend is forever a mystery. Regardless, Ethiopian coffee has been used for religious ceremonies. These ceremonies are still held today and if a guest is invited to participate in the ceremony, it is well known to be a very beautiful experience.
Locally, Ethiopian coffee is served with either sugar, or in some parts of Ethiopia, salt. Milk or any type of creamer is never used in traditionally brewing. The process of making the coffee varies by region. In some regions it is dry processed and in some other regions it is washed. The Ethiopian coffee found in stores today is dry processed.
The process is often grueling and coupled with with importing adds to the reason of why Ethiopian coffee can be expensive.
When consumers purchase Ethiopian coffee to be brewed at home, it is wise to consider fair trade Ethiopian coffee. The obvious reason to consider fair trade is so that the producers of this wonderful product can reap the benefits of their hard work. Ethiopian coffee has a rich, bold, and exciting history and a taste that has been favored by many people for a long time.

Sumatran Coffee (Indonesia)
Image result for Sumatran Coffee pixSumatran coffee comes from the island in Indonesia called Sumatra. The taste of Sumatran coffee is spicy, herbal, and very distinct. It is considered to be one of the best coffees in the world and was first introduced by the Dutch around 1699 when the Dutch wanted to keep up with the demand of coffee to Europe. The Dutch traders knew the difference between Sumatran coffee beans and other coffee beans by the appearance, which are irregularly shaped and bright green.
Sumatran coffee is one of the best coffees in the world and has a low acidity which makes it highly favored among other types of coffee. The beans are usually grown in full sunlight and with no chemicals. A highly popular type of Sumatran coffee, yet thoroughly disgusting in many peoples opinion, is the kopi luwak Sumatran coffee. The kopi luwak coffee is coffee beans that have been eaten by the small animal known as a luwak. After the luwak digests and excretes the coffee beans, local villagers collect the excreted beans and roast them. These excreted and roasted beans are said to cost about $300 a pound. Of course, not all of Sumatran coffee comes from the excrement of the luwak. There are many other varieties of Sumatran coffee as well.
Most of the Sumatran coffee beans are processed using the wet and dry processing method. This processing method is another reason why Sumatran coffee is so popular. Most other types of coffee beans are processed by using either a wet method or a dry method, hardly ever both.
When purchasing Sumatran coffee for use at home, a person should try to purchase fair trade Sumatran coffee. Fair trade beans can be found at various online retailers and also at gourmet coffee retailers. This insures that the growers benefit from all of the hard work that they put into growing this delicious coffee.
Sumatran coffee has a taste unlike any other and once you try it for yourself, you may find that it will quickly replace your current brand or at least be a coffee that becomes one of your favorites.

Panamanian Coffee (Central America)
Image result for Panamanian Coffee pixAlthough Panama is the smallest of all coffee producing countries, they grow most of the best rated coffees every year. The coffee region surrounds the town of Boquete in the western province of Chiriqui close to the Costa Rican border. Some say Panama has the ideal micro climate to grow coffee receiving winds from the north along with a light mist and cool breeze. Most of the coffee is grown on farms and is called an Estate coffee which signifies the farm it is from.
The process includes hand picking, washing and sun drying. The farms work closely with the indigenous people enhancing the community with social, medical and educational services. Because of this, fair trade is not a concern. It is a harmonious relationship between farm and worker.
For years, coffee from Panama was not well known amongst the public but the quality was apparent to the traders. So much so, that one trader was caught selling the lower cost Panamanian coffee beans as Hawaiian Kona beans, a much well known high end arabica bean.
Currently, Panamanian coffee has come of age winning numerous cuppings to the point in 2003 when the competition was changed. Previously, each entry was individual and Panamanian entrants would win up to five of ten awards. Now, they have groupings and each group can produce up to two winners that move up to the next level.
It should be noted that although Panamanian coffee has been established as the best in the region, wonderful coffees do come from Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Columbia.
Even though most of the world favors the western coffees, a true coffee lover should be adventurous and taste the best coffees of the world. Try Ethiopian and Sumatran coffees along with those that are in close proximity to those regions. You may be surprised at what you have been missing.
Are you a coffee drinker? Do you love a good gourmet coffee? Then take a look at the best of Panamanian coffee at Coffee from Be sure to be adventurous and try Ethiopian and Sumatran coffee also.
The author, Tom Berker is an independent writer and lover of gourmet coffee coffee.